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Ireland services

First class travel is about great partnerships

Comprehensive network, local support

Safe, secure delivery across the Irish Sea

UPN provide seamless all Ireland services for palletised freight through longstanding all Ireland logistics partners - Liam Connolly (Roadfreight).

Both FORS and ISO 9001 accreditation provides the assurance that Liam Connolly (Roadfreight) will deliver the highest standards of quality service across the Irish Sea.
A first class network with first class support
Ireland services
• Delivery throughout Northern Ireland
• Delivery throughout Southern Ireland
• Priority express services
• Standard economy services
• Widest range of pallet size options
• Safe, secure, and reliable


The most extensive range of pallet size options available within the sector

UPN provide a ‘one stop shop’ for palletised freight delivery. A comprehensive range of options meet any needs including the widest range of pallet definitions available in the UK.

Users can choose from the 150kg micro pallet, two metre half pallet through to a maximum pallet height of 2.2 metres, length of 3.0 metres, and weight of 1,200 kg. Tail–lift and oversized services are also available.
UK services
Get your freight around the UK via the UPN network with a range of service options.
European services
Get your freight delivered into Europe via the UPN network with a range of service options.
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Get in touch to talk services
To find out more about any aspect of UPN and its extensive range of high quality services, please get in touch today.